
Past Events

This is an archive of past events at AUR - you can filter these by 'associated academic program' using the drop-down list above.

13 February 2019. 6:00 pm.

This is the first of AUR's celebratory lecture series '50 Years of Living Ideas'.

13 Feb 2019, 18:00
Via Michelangelo Caetani, 32

The Republic of Cyprus was established in 1960. At the time the UK, as the formal imperial power, retained two Sovereign Base Areas that are officially UK territory - equivalent to 3% of the territory of Cyprus.

11 Feb 2019, 19:00
Via Pietro Roselli, 16

Rula Jebreal is an award-winning journalist, author and foreign policy analyst who has received accolades for her groundbreaking work in Italy,

5 Feb 2019, 19:00
Via Michelangelo Caetani, 32

China is developing at fast speed leapfrogging some of the traditional stages advanced countries went through. Investments in the digital sector are changing the nature of the country, its economic perspectives, and social features. Dr.

5 Feb 2019, 19:00
Via Pietro Roselli, 16

You are invited to an exhibition curated by the graduate students of Sustainable Cultural Heritage at the Auriana Auditorium (via Pietro Roselli 16), The American University of Rome on 6th December, 6.30-8pm.

6 Dec 2018, 18:30
Via Pietro Roselli, 16

Lorenzo Trombetta is a Beirut-based scholar and international journalist whose research focuses on Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

26 Nov 2018, 19:00
Via Pietro Roselli, 16

From the Pirate Parties in Northern Europe to Podemos in Spain, from the Five Star Movement in Italy to Jean-Luc Mélenchon's France Insoumise, and the movements behind Bernie Sanders in the US and Jeremy Corbyn in UK, the last decade has witnessed the rise of a new blueprint for political

21 Nov 2018, 19:00
Via Pietro Roselli, 16

This lecture explores the risks of uncritical approaches to data on issues of social change with a focus on how it is harnessed in images.

20 Nov 2018, 19:00
Via Pietro Roselli, 16

Grdzelidze is a graduate of Tbilisi University in Georgia, St Vladimir’s Theological Seminary in the United States, and Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

12 Nov 2018, 19:00
Via Pietro Roselli, 16

An audio-visual review of the daily search for sustenance from the perspective of social anthropology and the history of human cultures, including present-day challenges to food security and adequate nutrition.

6 Nov 2018, 19:00
Via Pietro Roselli, 16