The mission of the Office of Computer Services is to provide reliable and sustainable academic and administrative technology services. We are committed to supporting the University’s mission in academic excellence, student centered learning and institutional effectiveness through quality and innovative IT services and programs.
<¶¶Òõpro>IT Facilities¶¶Òõpro>
The AUR network is based on Gigabit technology, with 10Gb in some locations, and connects to the internet through GARR, the Italian branch of GÉANT, the European network for the research and education community. There are approximately 180 workstations on campus (PCs and Macs) that service academic and administrative departments. In addition, AUR has over 30 Access Points (indoor and outdoor) to provide 100% Wi-Fi coverage on campus.
Computer Access for Students:
Student computer access is available from these locations:
- Building A, PC lab (12 Workstations)
- Building A Hall, laptop self-service checkout unit (8 Laptops)
- Building B, Multimedia Battista Mac lab. Available to FLM and CDM students (17 Mac-Mini).
- Building A, Student Lounge, I-Macs (8 Workstations), and laptop self-service checkout unit (12 Laptops).
IT Services
The Office of Computer Services provides quality IT services to support the educational programs at AUR.
- E-mail and network accounts: Students are assigned a network/AUR e-mail account when they begin their studies at AUR. AUR’s e-mail system is hosted with O365 and will give students, faculty, and staff access to the services listed below.
Ìý - Office 365 and OneDrive: Students have free access to the Office 365 Apps (downloadable on multiple devices), including OneDrive for cloud storage, which provides over 1TB of storage space.
Ìý - AUROne:ÌýAUR’s search utility allows students and faculty to search and locate AUR resources using a simple Google-type interface. By entering search terms, users are taken directly to the resource.
Ìý - Learning Management System:ÌýCanvas is AUR’s online course management system. Every course offered at AUR interacts with an online environment, giving students an enhanced learning experience. Through Canvas, students have access to course communication tools, discussion forums, course announcements, online tests, handouts, and an electronic gradebook to monitor their course progress. An overview of Canvas is given to degree seeking students and to new faculty during their IT orientation. Additional training is available from the Office of Computer Services.Ìý
Ìý - MyAUR:ÌýMyAUR is the AUR community portal. Students have access to their academic information including course registrations, degree program information, online advising capabilities, unofficial transcripts, online registration, and online add and drop. Faculty have access to their course teaching schedule, classroom assignments, and downloadable academic forms and policies. Alumni have access to their unofficial transcript and extra alumni features. In addition, MyAUR provides users with up-to-date announcements, campus events information, academic calendars and an online course/syllabus search engine.
Ìý - Printing/copying cards: academic printing and copying is available from different locations on campus. Copiers/printers are available for faculty and students in the Building A computer lab, the Evan’s Hall library, and the faculty lounge. AllÌýcopiers/printers are connected to a print management system and can be accessed by swiping your AUR security badge. Further information can be found on the boards above each copier/printer or on the Helpdesk tab of MyAUR (requires login).
Ìý - Training Program:Ìýthe Office of Computer Services works to offer faculty and students workshops and training on the various information and technology services at AUR. Most faculty training is conducted through the Faculty development program offered regularly throughout the semester. Department training is also available and coordinated with the Program Director.
Ìý - Wi-Fi:ÌýWi-Fi is available from any location on campus, including classrooms, the Evan’s Hall library, the main office building, Auriana Auditorium, the Masina building and outdoor locations such as the garden and terraces. A single SSID gives users seamless access to Wi-Fi on campus.Ìý